Location: Colomendy Pub.
Present: Dave Butler (chair), Jonathan Fagan (u10s), Steve Thomas (treasurer, Ladies and u16s), Mike Jones (u10s), Dave Cooper (u14s), Chris Owens (u12s), Rhys Cooper (u14s), Gary Bell (parent), Stu Sigsworth (Secretary), Philippa (CWO), Gareth Sharp (u8s), Mandy (u8s parent rep).
Apologies: Alun Thomas (u14s).
Matters at hand:
- Minutes from last meeting – approved.
Points from last minutes as follows:
- Coaches still not signed up to training courses. Mike Jones (u10s) has signed up for the Leaders Course in June.
- No other coaches have signed up. Dave Butler has emphasised the point that the league expect every coach to have the following courses completed before next season:
- Safeguarding course
- First aid course
- Level 1 (also known as the Leaders Course)
- As of next season no-one will be allowed to coach without possessing all of these qualifications. Full details on signing up for the courses is on the FAW website. The club can assist with providing the dates etc.. and payment is covered.
- Goals still missing – Steve going to look in the back room at the Pavilion.
- Age Group Reports:
U8s – 13 girls. Went to a tournament – got beaten a lot. Girls enjoyed it though.
U10s – 15 girls (plus waiting list of 3). Finished 5th in the Rhyl tournament and joint 3rd in the league finals. All fine.
U11s – no report.
U12s – finished 3rd in the league and won the league cup beating Llandudno 3-0. 14 girls – 13 are going up to u14s.
U14s – finished 5th – won 7 lost 7. 16 girls – got to the semi final of the cup.
U16s – 16 signed up but 10 come to training regularly. Lost the shield final. Joint 2nd in the league with 3 games to play. ½ staying in the u16s and ½ going up to the ladies.
Ladies – need a point on Tuesday night to win the league. Squad of 18 on paper and 12 regularly attending.
- League meetings – Dave Cooper and Dave Butler have volunteered to attend the next one.
- Presentation night – after much deliberation a decision was made to book the Navy Club for the 22nd Steve going to telephone and book it.
- Trophies – we need to order 120 trophies – Steve going to sort out the trophies and prices. Rhys may be able to get some prices as well – going to send these to Dave Butler.
- Courses – see above. Club policy going to be very strict next year – two coaches at all times per age group – no coaching without at least one with qualifications, the other to be DBS checked at the very least.
- Next season coaching arrangements. Dave Butler reiterated the club mantra that all girls and ladies who sign up as players should have equal opportunities to play. Coaches must be aware of this. Discussion had about this with coaches commenting on how difficult this can be and avoiding sacrificing the principle by being too competitive.
Much discussion was had on these. So far arrangements are as follows:
Under 10s (this will encompass years 3-5): Jonathan Fagan and Jamie Thomas
Under 11s: Mike Jones and Gareth Sharp
Under 12s: John Ratcliffe, Marcia Spearing and Dave Butler
Under 13s: ?
Under 14s: Gary Bell plus AN Other
Under 16s: Dave Cooper and Alun Thomas
Ladies: Steve Thomas and Graham Hounslow.
All of these coaches will need to be DBS checked before August 2016 and signed up to complete the courses listed under point 1b.
- Finance Report – much the same as last time. Steve not got definitive figures to hand.
Discussion had about next season. Jonathan proposed that as we are now a charity and have to produce annual accounts (albeit very simple ones but still extra work) it is probably best if we have a club rule that the treasurer, secretary and chairman roles are all taken by people other than coaches. Means that no one has to do an excessive amount of work. Club entitled to apply for a CAF bank account which makes swapping the signatories a lot easier. Bank account needs the name changing as well so now probably good time to move across.
- Website and social media – all going strong – most age groups post regularly onto the Facebook account and the Twitter info is going well. Website is being picked up by Google and enquiries are coming into the various age groups from girls wanting to play.
- Tournament update – 49 teams signed up now. Meeting held already to discuss various things and all going well. Sponsors needed for the programme and volunteer parents going to be required on the day.
- Kit – discussion about kit. Decision made by Dave Butler that all kit to be uniform and no age group is to get their own. Agreed that we keep using the existing red kit, and also get out the old blue and white kit as plenty of it about still. Each age group to try and get a sponsor for their kit next season and then discuss at the next meeting.
- Pitches – meeting held at Northop Hall Pavilion – Steve has agreed a price of £1100 for the season with 24 training sessions per age group and all matches.
- Corus Club mentioned by Dave Cooper – keep an eye on it for using as extra pitches as required.
- Charity Status – the club now has charity status and people can donate to us in this capacity. The charity trustees are Stu, Dave Butler and Steve.
- Fees next season – going to be kept as they are unless higher amounts needed to cover costs – eg pitches and new kit if we get it.
- Dave and Rhys Cooper going to keep the club posted about the Everton games.
No other business – next meeting will be in 6 weeks time.