Minutes of Northop Hall Girls FC meeting 12th February 2017

Location: Northop Hall Pavilion.

Present: Dave Butler (chair), Steve Thomas (treasurer, Ladies), Mike Jones (u11s), Dave Cooper (u16s), Dan Parsons (u13s), Peter Roberts (u13s), Gary Bell (u14s), Stu Sigsworth (Secretary), Philippa Havill (CWO), Gareth Sharp (u11s), Marcia Grundy (u12s), Jonathan Fagan (u10s), Jamie Thomas (u10s).

Apologies: Alun Thomas (u16s).

Matters at hand:

  1. Minutes from last meeting – approved.
  2. New bank account – not yet done. Going to start again – Jonathan suggested that Steve, Dave or Stu downloads the forms from the bank’s website – CAF.
  3. Dave Butler proposed we put the names of the shirt sponsors onto the website.
  4. Chris Owens’s company has sponsored training tops for the under 13s. Suggested we add them to the website as well – company is Quest.
  5. Dave Cooper indicated that the under 16s have a sponsor for training tops as well.
  6. Jonathan suggested that the club write to all the shirt sponsors to thank them for their support and Jamie Thomas pointed out they will probably be grateful to have something in writing for tax reasons. Stu to action this.
  7. £1,500 received from Flintshire CC (and Sport Wales) from the Community Chest for 2016-2017. Jonathan advised making sure the club gets the report letter completed asap when it comes to us so that we can apply again next season.
  8. Easyfundraising – Mike Jones reported that so far the club has raised £45.77 from this. Recommended all coaches let parents know about it. £100 target for the season.
  9. £150 invoice for the u8s and u10s tournament. Steve to invoice the league – Jonathan advised that it is via the Welsh Football Trust and Mike Parry.
  10. League is still not communicating with the club – not sure why.
  11. Training nights – under 8s are Tuesdays, u14s and Ladies are on Thursdays, u16s are on Tuesdays (at Connahs Quay), under 11s, 12s and 13s are on a Monday and under 10s are training on Wednesdays.
  12. Code of Conduct – Stu to check and see who hasn’t signed up yet.
  13. Training – Steve has paid for it all.
  14. Pavilion – no meetings recently and one missed as the Pavilion committee had not informed us of it. Dave Butler proposed that at least one person from the club goes to each Pavilion meeting.
  15. Super Cup Cardiff – Dave Cooper had no further info on this but recommended it to all other coaches.
  16. Presentation night – Friday 9th June – all booked. Decisions on trophies needed fairly soon.
  17. Black coats – need to get some, but suggested we wait until next season to do this.
  18. Steve going to speak to the Pavilion about NHGFC having some storage space in the under seat areas.
  19. Spare kit – Steve has 16 x spare adult kits. Suggestion by Mike to put them on Facebook and see who wants them.


Age Group Reports:

  • U8s – 27 girls. Chris and John proposing running a half term training camp. Club discussing this.
  • U10s – 13 girls. All fine.
  • U11s – 14 girls, 1 new starter. Parent looking to donate to training shirts. Proposing entering under 11 tournaments in England. Performances getting better as the season progresses. Training pitches at Buckley not very good.
  • U12s – top of the league! 11 players – looking for extra players. Goalkeeper has a broken finger.
  • U13s – 12 players. Going OK – 6th in league. Training inside at the moment. Need balls.
  • U14s – just enough players to get a team out each week. Doing OK. Problems occasionally with ball sizes, pitch sizes and goal sizes.

ACTION – whoever attends the next league meeting – can they please raise this as an issue for all age groups – what is the regulation for goal sizes, pitch sizes and balls.

  • U16s – 18 girls. Team spirit good. Subs need chasing for a couple of players.
  • Ladies – 20 ladies. 7 paid in full, others outstanding. Few injuries including a broken foot. 2 players are going on a referees course.

Treasurers Report

There is currently £5,807.53 in the bank and £689.57 in cash. Training pitches estimated to cost another £1k before the end of the season. Other large cost before end of season is the trophies.

New girls – Steve suggested that any new girls pay the equivalent of £12 per month for joining this season now.

If anyone is paying money into the bank account can they let Steve know so he knows what it is. Put child’s name on anything paid in please.

Other Business

  1. Coaches Tops

Suggested we get tops for all coaches by Dave Butler and seconded by Steve Thomas. All coaches to call into Queensferry Sports and get measured up. Coach initials plus club badge.

  1. Grants and donations

Airbus Community Awards – Steve is going to see what he can get from this – share of £10k up for grabs.

Half marathon. Chairman and Mrs Butler to do a half marathon – have asked if anyone wishes to join them (might be worth putting this on Facebook Dave). Raised £60 on their runs last year.

  1. Parents Concerns

Dave Butler highlighted some parent concerns – lack of game time, late training times for the under 6-8s, keeper training and injuries due to lack of warm up and down. Discussed these as a club. Dave Butler asked for any concerns to be reported to him so that he can deal with them.

  1. Injuries

The club have decided to keep records of all injuries. Gary Bell is going to send Stu a copy of his works injury sheet for us to use. Philippa advised that coaches get parents to sign the records when injuries occur.

  1. Under 9s and 10s for 2017-2018

Jonathan proposed splitting the under 10s next season into under 9s and under 10s. Large cohort potentially of under 9s coming up and should be no problem getting an under 10s squad together.

  1. Referees courses – the club have agreed to pay for any player who wants to do a course aged 14+. Jamie suggested the club emphasise that refereeing can be a career and something to consider.
  2. Goalkeeping sessions – agreed that the club can fund coaches to do goalkeeping – Dave Cooper pointed out that B Licence Coaches have to fund the courses themselves so only fair to remunerate them. Coaching times to be arranged from April onwards on grass at a time when the younger goalkeepers can attend.
  3. Goalposts – still an issue with the goals at Northop Hall. One side is 7 foot 8 inches and the other is 8ft 3 ins. Steve to write formally to the Pavilion Committee to ask them to sort it out and request a discount.
  4. Suggested that the club thank Rhys Cooper for his help with coaching across all age groups. Lots of positive comment on Rhys’s input.
  5. Pitches for April onwards – coaches to book online at Northop Pavilion site.
  6. Mike Jones has volunteered to take over from Emma and run the Twitter account. Jonathan to send him the passwords etc..
  7. Letterhead – Steve has some for anyone needing it.
  8. Tournament update – Jonathan suggested we have a meeting in the first week in March to discuss all the arrangements and plan. Proposed that we run mini-leagues for all age groups to keep participation levels up.
  9. 5th March – photo day for the whole club. Coaches to make parents aware.
  10. Vote of thanks to the FAW for the tickets sent for the Wales match. Score wasn’t great, but the girls, parents and coaches who attended enjoyed the experience…
  11. Club kit – next season the kit is to stay with the coach and not go up to the next age group.
  12. Urn – there is an urn available for making tea and coffee for home games at the Pavilion – speak to Dave or Stu to collect it.

Meeting over – bit longer tonight – 1 hour 50 mins.