Minutes of Club Meeting 5th June at Rowleys Drive

Minutes of the meeting on 5th June 2018 at 7.30 pm
Clubhouse, Rowleys Drive.

Present: Jane Bellis (Chair), Steve Thomas (Treasurer), Marcia Grundy, Dave Cooper, Jamie Thomas, Jonathan Fagan, Mandy Coutts, Rhys Cooper, Ffion Cooper, John Albiston, Gareth Sharp, Dean (U14’s) Parent & New Parent Representitives.

Apologies: Stuart Sigworth (Secretary), Dave Butler, Phillipa Havill (Safeguarding Officer),

1. Chairs Items:

i) Jane updated all on the move to Rowleys Drive so far. All have been happy with first weeks training sessions with the club all together, Dave & Jane mentioned a few teething problems with regard to other clubs booked in to the site which we weren’t aware of on certain days (The Valkyries Rugby being one), so a little bit of moving about which we expected but everyone has been great so far.

ii) Jane & Dave C updated on risk assessment/health & safety regarding medical access to Dee Park. We have had an injury to an away team player since moving to the site and so possible issues have been raised with Care & Repair working on contingency plans and will keep us updated. Accident book and report by Jane has been logged and player & parents checked on via the clubs with Northop Halls best wishes sent to the player and her family. Jane is making it a priority to ensure that new first aid kits for each age group are in place to make sure we have all we need for any eventuality. The plan is to be as proactive as we can rather than reactive moving forward.

iii) Legals: Still a few outstanding numbers from coaches which need to be in place for all before the start of next season. Steve mentioned that there is a small brown envelope that should be available from FAW once the Leaders Course has been completed and all coaches are to send off 2 passport photos to receive their badge which should be worn at all times. Steve to chase where we get these from so we can action those outstanding. FLA URN still needed for some coaches, this is found on the website when logging in to coaches individual page to access certificates etc so needs to be completed by all asap. Marcia updated the group that within the next 2 weeks we will be set up to be able to do all of our own DBS checks in house which should make things a lot easier. Dave C is also looking to help get us some first aid training and defibrillator training in house at the club ground so all coaches and any parents who would like to attend can do this in one go. Jane to distribute website containing all details for upcoming courses. FLA/SAFEGUARDING/FIRST AID are all essential.

iv) New Coaches: Urgent matter to ensure all girls stay with us for next season and all coaches not continuing are replaced with the right training and legals in place. Jane asked for all coaches to gather details from their parents who may want to do this in the future so that we can have several options in place at any time. Ideall we would like a head coach and at least 1 parent who has been on the leaders course and had all of the checks completed so that the pressure isn’t on just one person and we have contingencies that are compliant. Jane/Marcia/Stuart to put a coaches pack in place detailing the role and responsibilities, compulsory training, and support/leadership in place for them to access if they need anything. There will also be a code of conduct and training guide in place. Discussion over whether coaches source and pay for their training and then claim back from the club?

Coaches we know are not continuing next season: Chris Goble (U8’s), Peter Roberts (U14’s), Mark Allen (U13’s). John A and Steve are both contacting Chris for parents details, Jane has phone numbers for them from Chris but has no time to make calls, Dave B said he could help with this so Jane has forwarded. We can also speak to parents at presentation night to see if anybody would like to take over. Dean is potentially looking at coaching the 16’s next year (current 14’s), we need to find a replacement for Mark and at least one other person for each age group. Jane asked all to think of ideas and people who may be willing. Idea to contact Universities for sports degree students. Rhys mentioned a couple of locations we can try.

v) Sign ups for next season. New plans in place to try and make things more efficient. Marcia will have all paperwork ready by next week and all coaches now have the training pack to print off themselves however many are needed. Dates set for Marcia and Stuart to be present at the Clubhouse on Monday 11th June for U11’s, U12’s and U13’s (during and after training), Tuesday 12th June for U8s & U9’s, U14’s and U16’s (need to connect with parents from Chris’s team and let them know. U 16’s not training due to exams but we will try and get a few parents to come down), Wed 13th June U10’s and anyone who cant make the other dates. Coaches to let parents know as soon as Marica gives the green light and Jane to post on FB page. Parents need to bring 2 passport pics with them. We will try to get as many signed up before presentation night as we can and then let parents know that they can bring pics with them if they couldn’t make it in the week. Any others outstanding Jane & Marcia will be present on Monday 18th during training so an announcement can be made during presentation night about that. * During sign ups Marcia and Stuart will collect all emails from parents that Jane will turn into a database for a monthly newsletter. The question will also be asked of all if they would consider coaching or refereeing and be prepared to do the training so they can be called on occasionally or would like to be a head coach. Jane will follow up with the new coach volunteer pack and Marcia will help to action accordingly.

vi) Summer Camp update: Rhys updated the group, some bookings already coming in. Posters/flyers ready and being sent out. New parent had idea to contact local schools and use parentmail to promote and recruit new sign ups. Jane attending a Head teachers meeting in a couple of weeks so will action this. Another idea from the parent was to see if we can get a shout out on local radio to promote summer camp. Rhys to continue on with recruitment and all to help promote and let parents know. Anyone booking on needs to email Rhys for a booking form.

vii) Winter training: Discussion continued about pre booking winter pitches in order to keep training together. Ideas for Deeside, Mold, Hawarden High School, Holywell and Chester. All to research and ask questions before next meeting so that we can look at potentially block booking somewhere by July/August.

2. Treasurers Report

i) Trustees report and annual accounts now up to date and submitted. Steve to collate info for latest accounts now ready for submission and new accounting spreadsheet to be set up by Jane for efficiency moving forward.
ii) Steve confirmed that we have £6,423.26 in the bank and £20 cash plus cash collected at meeting for subs owed which hasn’t been counted yet. Bills have all been paid to Deeside. Jane spoke about the urgency of making sure all age groups are up to date with subs and direct debits in place for next season to become cash free and find better accounting system. Several subs still outstanding so Steve to chase these.
iii) Steve will now action spend for first aid kits and new balls on the agreement of the group. Jane to send links and confirm spend.

3. Age Group Reports

U8’s – no representative present
U9’s & 10’s – 15 players, mixed teams. Doing well. 2 teams in league final on Sat.
U10’s – Have played in Semi and Quarter finals and several tournaments and have had their first international game (Isle of Man!)
U11’s – Plate final on Saturday against Llanrwst at Kinmel Bay. 8 Tournament games played over bank holiday and they are in 3 tournaments this month!
U12’s – Finished mid table in the league. Had semi and quarter finals within 2 days so the girls did well. Thursday 2nd August they have an international fixture against a team from Denver, Colorado!
U13’s – Finished at the bottom end after a really tough season as the youngest. Girls kept going and didn’t give up so did well.
U14’s – Were pretty much unbeaten other than the final 2 games at the end of the season.
U16’s – Were beaten in the semi finals of the Shield. Tough for the girls as there were lots of unfortunate elements against them on the day but they have had a great season so onward and upwards!
Ladies – Won the cup and the league! Brilliant finish to the season and a big well done to Steve and the Ladies!

4. Kits and Growth Plan/Funding
i) Jamie brought some brochures for kits and accessories so will compare with current suppliers and Janes contact for best value moving forwards
ii) Community Chest Grant – we can apply for this but need a plan for what we want to spend it on. New first aid kits a priority for each age group so Steve to action 9 x kits purchase immediately with Club funds so they will be taken off the plan for community chest. New Goals? Footballs? Ideas for next meeting so that we can action for next season.
iii) Marcia found a link for a special offer 28 x balls for £65 from sports direct (down from £223) – we need these for the ‘beat the keeper’ at the tournament so Steve to action this asap. These can be used as training balls afterwards.
iv) New banner for the tournament and potentially some official tshirts for coaches and officials to wear. Jane to source and action with Steve.
v) We now have one of the garages on site allocated to our club for storage so we can now store all of our equipment and see what we need to add/replace.
vi) Parent ideas to look at the counter scheme in supermarkets – a minimum £1000 if we are accepted. Marcia and Jane to research
vii) Dave mentioned that coaches with official badges could go into supermarkets and ask for donations for the tournament – bottles of water, burger rolls, crisps etc.

5. Tournament
i) Marcia and Jane have been working on volunteers and just need a few more for the Sunday now, all asked to let them know if they come up with anybody.
ii) Discussed the use of a TV screen and laptop rather than the boards for scoring – Rhys was concerned that things may go wrong so it was agreed to use both and test out the new method this year. Dave B to find the boards and Mike to look at using excel with a flat screen monitor and laptop.
iii) Dave to source meat, Stu to bring BBQ. Discussion about makro/Costco or Dave has heard of somewhere that does sale or return? Dave to get more info so we can compare.
iv) Coaches to help set goals up on the Friday evening from 6.30pm. Set up from 7am on the Saturday and from 8am on the Sunday. Car parking attendants from 8.30am both days.
v) Funds to be communicated and celebrated to club and parents following event with a plan for what we want to use it for? **Sub committee meeting discussed new cash system with lockable cash boxes to be collected regularly by Jane and counted/witnessed and logged with a final count witnessed on the Sunday and handed to Steve for banking.

6. Presentation Night
Steve has now had all names in from coaches other than U8’s – will contact Chris to double check as is concerned that either not enough or too many trophies will be ordered. DJ is booked and can be paid on the night. Raffle and tombola prizes are being collected by Marcia – raffle going well but we need more tombola prizes. All coaches to ask parents to bring something to training next week if possible.

7. Date of next meeting
This was not set but I would like to suggest Monday 9th July at 7.00pm for 1 hour. Focus will be on discussion on Presentation night and tournament with an evaluation of both ready for next year and a plan for what we would like to do with our funding and how we will communicate these events and plans for next season to parents.